Monday, June 16, 2008

He's No Letterman...

Between the ages of two and three is an interesting time. It really tests what type of parent you are. There is separation anxiety, temper tantrums, the bossiness (which I call "commando-demando"), the blossoming of the personality, and most entertaining, the development of the sense of humor.

It's one thing if your kid is a bit clumsy like mine, and you kinda end up laughing at him. He's not trying to be funny. Then there are those things that kids do that they think are funny because you inadvertently positively reinforce them - spitting out their food, farting, hitting you. Stuff like that. My kid, though, thinks he's a comedian. It all started with his friend Allie, who is 4 and cutely mistold the old "Knock, knock" joke "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" and he thought that was hilarious. This is the boy's version/interpretation of that joke:

(Literally on the other side of our front door)
Him: MAMA! Say knock knock!
Me: Knock knock
Him: Who is it? Say "banana"!
Me: Banana!

This went on for many, many rounds. He's still laughing as hard as the first time. Then, we went to his friend Jaden's house. Jaden is a tad older and is more extroverted. He said something funny, to which the boy said, "That's a joke!" So, since then he's been coming up with his own material. It usually goes like this:

Version 1:
Him: Mama, knock knock
Me: Who is it?
Him: Chicken phone! HAHAHAHA THAT'S A JOKE!

Version 2:

Him (with pretend phone): Mama, it's for you
Me: Who is it?
Him: It's chicken phone! HAHAHAHA THAT'S A JOKIE!

Lately, most conversations/monologues have the line, "That's a joke!". I briefly explained to the boy that if it really is a joke, more or less a good joke, it doesn't have to be blatantly identified as such, to which I get the response, "But it's a jokie! HAHAHA"

These are some of the highlights of staying home with him. Yes, he may tell the same ones over and over and over again, but he laughs just as hard as the first time. I wouldn't miss moments like that for anything...

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